
Remedy Posts

Protect and strengthen your health using the support of homeopathy

Help your immune system to do the best job it can, with the help of homeopathy. What is the immune system? The immune system protects our body from bacteria, viruses, fungi and toxins. There are 2 main parts to the immune system: The 1) innate immune system (you were born with it) and 2) the

Protect and strengthen your health using the support of homeopathy Read More »


ARNICA MONTANA is one of the most often used homeopathic remedies in The home. It is a homeopathic remedy for injuries, bumps and bruising to soft tissues, as well as for aches and pains A few days back I gave myself a rather nasty bang on the knee. The result was immediate swelling and restricted

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Obesity and homeopathic remedies for weight loss

New Zealand, stands out as being one of the most obese nations. This is a major concern because being overweight or obese increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions? HOMEOPATHY CAN HELP Genetic factors play an important role in determining body size. Some genes can influence how effectively food is broken down for

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GRIEF: Homeopathy for support through the bad times

Homoeopathy has a long history of helping people manage emotional conditions such as anxiety, despair, loss of confidence, grief, indifference, anger and irritability. It is so important to take care of our emotional selves as well as looking after our physical body. Homoeopathy has a long history of helping people manage emotional conditions such as

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